Cyber Security Services | The Computing Australia Group

Cyber Security Services

Preparing for tomorrow’s threats, today

Cyber Security Services | The Computing Australia Group

Cyber Security Services

Preparing for tomorrow’s threats, today

The Computing Australia Group
Cyber Security Services

We offer a comprehensive suite of services in the Cyber Security space.

Cyber Security Audit

Disaster Recovery

Penetration Testing

Don’t let your business become a Cybercrime statistic – Act now

The Computing Australia Group Advantage

Time is Crucial

Time is a crucial factor when dealing with cyber-attacks. The speed with which you respond to the crisis and get back to normalcy is vital for a business’s existence.

We can help thwart a cyber-attack in progress and prevent any future incident from occurring. Our Disaster Recovery services ensure that you are prepared to resolve any cyber emergency and have the shortest downtime possible.

Testing and Audit

When was the last time your business had a Cyber Security Audit? Does your organisation undergo regular Penetration Testing? The average time to solve a cyber attack once it happens can be anywhere between 20 to 50 days.

Regular testing and audit are necessary to ensure cybersecurity effectiveness. The CAG Cyber Security Audit and Penetration Testing services help to alert you to new threats and update your security strategies for maximum protection.

Awareness and Training

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Nearly half of all cyber events happen from within an organisation. Some of these are malicious attempts by employees and can be mitigated through strategies like access control and monitoring software.

On the other hand, social engineering attacks like phishing can be relentless and rely on a lack of awareness amongst employees. We can provide awareness programs to companies on Cyber Security best practices to identify and respond to cyber events.