How to change the default search engine in Google Chrome
1. Open the Google browser
2. At the top right-hand corner, click on Customize and control Google Chrome (the three dots).
3. Select Settings from the dropdown menu.
4. From the options on the left side of the screen, select Search Engine.
5. Under the Search Engine section, go to ‘Search Engine used in the address bar’. Click on the down arrow and select the search engine of your choice from the dropdown list.
Go to the search engine that you need to add. Do a search query.
Let us say you search for Perth IT helpdesk in Google. The search results page address will be
Replace the search term with %s. Use this text in the field.
Your newly added search engine will be displayed under the Other Search Engines section. To set the new search engine as default, go to Manage Search Engines. Under the Other Search Engine, click on the three dots against the newly added entry. From the list displayed, click on the ‘Make default’ option.
How to change the default search engine in Mozilla Firefox
1. Open the Firefox browser.
2. Click on the three lines at the top right corner of the window.
3. From the dropdown menu, click on ‘Options’.
4. In the next screen, click on ‘Search’ from the options on the left side.
5. Go to the Default Search Engine section. Click on the down arrow beside the default engine. Select the search engine of your choice from the dropdown menu.
7. In the next screen, click on the engine that you want to add. Click on Add to Firefox.
How to change the default search engine in Microsoft Edge
1. Open Microsoft Edge browser.
2. Click on the three dots at the top right-hand corner of the window. Select Settings from the dropdown menu.
4. Scroll down the screen to the Address bar and search section and click on the arrow.
8. Click on the three dots against the engine name and click on ‘Make default’.
How to change the default search engine in Opera
1. Open Opera browser.
2. On the upper left corner of the screen, click on the Opera logo.
3. Click on Settings from the dropdown menu.
6. In the next screen, go to Other search engines and click on ‘Add’.
7. Fill in the form, as explained in the Google Chrome section and click on Add.
How to change the default search engine in Safari
1. Open Safari browser.
2. Go to Safari menu on the left-hand top corner of the window.
3. Select Preferences.
4. In the Preferences window, go to ‘Search’ tab. Click on the arrow next to Search Engine.
5. From the dropdown menu, select your preferred search engine.
Jargon Buster
Web Browser– A software application to access information on the internet. Some examples Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera.Search Engine – A web-based tool through which users can search internet content. Some examples are Google, Bing.