Advantages of Ruby on Rails

Advantages of Ruby on Rails- Web Application Framework

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

Advantages of Ruby on Rails- Web Application Framework

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

Wondering why your developer is adamant about building your blog with ruby on rails? Ruby on Rails is an incredibly flexible platform for web applications. Rails has many advantages that make it among the top ten web application development frameworks. Before we see what makes it so popular with app developers in Perth and other parts of the world, let us quickly recap what Ruby on Rails (or Rails) is.

What is Ruby on Rails?

Rails is a very productive web application framework written in Ruby. It is open-source and full-stack – it has everything you need to build a fantastic application. Three things mainly contribute to making it the platform of choice among developers.

Model-View-Controller (MVC)

  • Model contains the codes for the application data and rules to manipulate it.
  • View contains the HTML files that determine how users interact with the application.
  • Controller is the communicator between Model and View. It instructs Model how to process requests, and View on how to display the result to the user.

Rails allows for well-defined divisions between layers and better decoupling and testing.

Convention-over-Configuration (CoC)

You already have everything you need in the default set of conventions. So, a developer needs to configure only the unconventional aspects of the application – which means less coding and fast development.

Don’t-Repeat-Yourself (DRY)

A developer does not need to repeat code for similar or related elements – DRY reduces repetition of information and patterns. This makes the code more maintainable and less prone to errors

These principles make Rails the go-to framework for developers. So, how do these convert into advantages for businesses?

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

Simple to use- The CAG

Simple to use

Ruby on Rails’ syntax uses simple language that is intuitive and logical. The easy to understand syntax means you don’t need to add comments for most of the code.

Rails’ set standards and patterns mean less coding for developers.


Rails’ is open-source – you can avoid the licensing costs of other frameworks. It runs well on Linux (which again is open-source) and works quite efficiently with most free web servers.

Fast development and easy updates ensure that you spend less money on the overall project.


With Rails you can avoid boilerplate codes, that is, you don’t need to write a lot of code for minimal jobs. This helps developers to spend time and effort on understanding and developing business-specific applications.

Built-in testing helps to makes testing easier and ensures quality.

A prototype can be built much faster, and the customer can check and fix issues in scope early on.

Fast development

Rails’ development time is about 25-50% faster than other frameworks. Ready to use functionalities, open-source code, large number of free libraries, lean code base all contribute to faster development using Rails.

Easy Maintenance and Updates

With CoC, it is easy to modify existing code or to add new features. Common standards allow new developers to easily update an existing application or project.


Rails provides security against many threats, including cross-site request forgery, SQL injection, and forceful browsing.

Supportive Community

Rails has a highly active and supportive community. Libraries and new features are regularly updated. The large community means that developers can get a speedy solution to any query.

Jargon Buster

Boilerplate codes – sections of codes where you are repeating the same or similar codes in many places with little or no alteration
Syntax – structure of statements in a computer language
SQL injection – inserting malicious code in SQL statements to attack data-driven applications.

David Brown | Blog author | Computing Australia

David Brown

David is the Development Services Manager for The Computing Australia Group and he manages all programming projects. DB is a keen Ruby on Rails developer who is a triple threat – he can code, listen to heavy metal and consume enormous volumes of caffeine simultaneously! Hit David up if you want to discuss your next app concept or to take a deep dive in The Computing Australia Group coding approach.

David Brown | Blog author | Computing Australia

David Brown

David is the Development Services Manager for The Computing Australia Group and he manages all programming projects. DB is a keen Ruby on Rails developer who is a triple threat – he can code, listen to heavy metal and consume enormous volumes of caffeine simultaneously! Hit David up if you want to discuss your next app concept or to take a deep dive in The Computing Australia Group coding approach.