Common cloud migration mistakes | Computing Australia

Common Cloud Migration Mistakes
and How to Avoid Them

Common cloud migration mistakes | Computing Australia

Common Cloud Migration Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Cloud Migration Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

With the attractive advantages of cloud computing, we have seen a hike in the number of businesses moving to the cloud. However, cloud migration should be done only by professionals, as it can be technically complex. To help you understand more, our cloud specialists in Perth list out common cloud migration mistakes and how to avoid them.

But before we get to that, let’s briefly understand what cloud migration is:

Cloud migration

Cloud migration refers to moving all business operations in digital form to cloud servers. It includes data, applications, and IT processes. It can also be referred to as the migration of data from one cloud to another or from in-house or legacy infrastructure to the cloud.

The greatest advantage of migrating to the cloud is cost savings. How? One of the major reasons why most companies put off infrastructure upgrades. IT tends to evolve rapidly, and frequent upgrades are seen as an avoidable expenditure. However, ageing or obsolete infrastructure actually hold back business growth and cost you more in the long run.

Cloud computing allows you to tailor a new system based on your company needs without even being concerned about future growth or downsizing because cloud computing is totally scalable.

What are the common cloud migration mistakes?

1. Migrating all at once

Migrating all at once - The Computing Australia Group

One of the major mistakes companies make is to try and migrate all at once. Lack of foresight and professional help lands them in trouble such as this which leads to huge losses in data.

Cloud migration is no easy task. Depending upon the size of your enterprise and the data stored, the time for a successful migration varies. It is advisable to complete the migration process in stages, as some data takes preference over others when uploading.

Cloud migration requires extensive planning. As the amount of data to be transferred is enormous, and with the risk of loss of data present, it is always safe to move the files in small batches. One of the first tips for successful cloud migration is always to migrate test data first, which are non-essential data. Once the coast is clear, one can proceed to critical data. This phasing out of migrations makes sure that there is no data loss.

2. Unfamiliar cloud formats

Another common mistake made during cloud migration happens during migration from one cloud to another. Not all cloud platforms function similarly.

Cloud capabilities are different for different specialisations. Keeping this in mind before migration can save a lot of costs. Reconfiguring data before migration requires familiarisation with the new cloud environment. Hence it is recommended that one get to know the new cloud well enough beforehand.

3. Reconfiguring data

As mentioned above, migration requires foresight into the type of changes required for each cloud service. Hence the data and applications must be reconfigured to suit the new cloud service. The computing capabilities of a company may also not work for every cloud. Changing these factors is important to avoid making mistakes while migrating. 

4. Cost calculation

Not accounting for the cost of migration is a major problem during cloud migration. It is essential that you understand the costs involved in the migration process. The costs are not just about the actual process; it also includes the loss incurred during the time the data will be unavailable due to migration.

5. Cloud Security

Due to the complexity of the cloud migration process, security concerns take a back seat during migration, and disaster can strike during the most unexpected time. Attackers can take you unawares at your most vulnerable and incur hefty losses. It is advisable to take ample precautions and set up a security system in place to enable the safe transfer of data.

These are some of the most common cloud migration mistakes. Avoiding these mistakes can lead to a hassle-free migration experience. While moving to the cloud can be one of the best things that you do for your business, it is a technical process that is safer left to the professionals. Contact us or email us at to know how we can help you with a successful cloud migration for your business.

Jargon Buster

Cloud: A virtual server that can run and function as independent units in a cloud computing environment and can be accessed remotely.
Reconfiguring data: Changing the elements, formats, or aspects of data to suit another environment.

Chris Karapetcoff | Blog author | Computing Australia

Chris Karapetcoff

Chris is the Business Manager of The Computing Australia Group, he is responsible for the management of the entire Computing Australia Group team. He enjoys the fact that it is a busy portfolio and no two days are ever the same. His day is a mix of working with the various members of our team and interacting with clients. Having worked with The Computing Australia Group for over 16 years, Chris knows our products and what it takes to put together a reliable business solution that you can depend on.

Chris Karapetcoff | Blog author | Computing Australia

Chris Karapetcoff

Chris is the Business Manager of The Computing Australia Group, he is responsible for the management of the entire Computing Australia Group team. He enjoys the fact that it is a busy portfolio and no two days are ever the same. His day is a mix of working with the various members of our team and interacting with clients. Having worked with The Computing Australia Group for over 16 years, Chris knows our products and what it takes to put together a reliable business solution that you can depend on.