Facebook means Business

What are the benefits of Facebook for business - The CAG

Facebook means Business

What are the benefits of Facebook for business - The CAG

Facebook means Business

Facebook Means Business

  • 17,000,000 Monthly Active Australian Users on Facebook.
  • Approximately 64% of the total Australian population is an active Facebook user.
  • Approximately 50% of the Australian population logs into Facebook on a daily basis.

If your business is not on Facebook, you are losing out on this huge opportunity to get your business noticed.

What are the benefits of Facebook for business?

As a branding agency in Perth we have been helping clients leverage the benefits of Facebook to increase sales and profits. Let’s see what these benefits are.

Share content easily

Your Facebook page is a place where you can share different content easily and effectively to attract more people to your business

  • Basic business information

You can share your business name, location, contact details, and briefly describe your products and services. You can also post about your history, staff, or any other aspect of your business

  • Pictures, videos

You can post photos and videos from your business. This is an effective way to communicate with customers, allowing them to know your product and services without them having to visit your premises.

  • Tagging

Tagging means more reach to people. Users can ‘tag’ photos to indicate if a Facebook friend appears in them. This function is handy to promote your business.

  • Customer testimonials

Customers can share their thoughts about your brand and also give ratings. This helps you to grow in popularity and climb up your rankings.

  • Offers and Promotions

Users can ‘check-in’ on mobile devices, so their friends can see where the location. Facebook also identifies popular places and notify the users of the list of businesses offering deals nearby to the area they check-in.

Increase brand awareness

You can encourage existing and potential customers to like your Facebook page. Once they like your page, your update will be shown on their walls, and this increases your brand awareness. Customers are also able to post positive messages about your brand, shared on their walls for all their friends to see.

Guide traffic to the website

Facebook brings in extra traffic to your sites. Customers can reach your website through the link you shared on Facebook. These customers are likely to be more responsive because they already know about your brand and were motivated to check your site.

Customer engagement and support

You can post content that is related to your products and is informative. People are more likely to engage with businesses that give them information or guides, rather than just push glaring ads into their faces. Pay attention to how the market receives your business and products. Make sure you have an active team for answering the queries of the customers’ post. This helps to make your customers happy and keep your brands positive image.

Provides opportunities for targeted advertising

Provides opportunities for targeted advertising - The CAG

Facebook analyses all the information of their users. This information is available to owners of business pages for a fee. You can use this information to create targeted ads to specific customers. For example, if you are a bookstore, you can find how many users have mentioned ‘books’ or ‘reading’ as their interest in their profiles. You can pay and use tools on Facebook to deliver your ads to this group.

Cost-effective marketing strategy

How to Create a Facebook Business page? 

  1. In the Set up a Facebook Page, choose “Create a Page”.
  2. Choose the page type: “Business/brand”. Consider naming your page after your business.
  3. Upload a profile photo and a cover photo that represents your business, like your brand logo or image of products.
  4. Create a username that can be up to 50 characters long.
  5. Provide business details by choosing “Edit Page Info”. Add a short description, your business contact details, location and working hours.
  6. In the “Our Story” section, provide a detailed description of what your company offers for customers and convince the readers to Like/Follow your page. Then choose “Publish”.

Key tips to optimise your Facebook Business page

Just creating a page is not enough. A well-optimized Facebook page will make it easier for people to discover your business and interact with your brand online.

To make your Facebook Business page draw significant attention –

  1. Make sure your Facebook profile is complete and contains up-to-date information.
  2. Optimize the “About Us” section with complete information on your business offers, working hours and office location.
  3. Set up a call-to-action (CTA) button. Choose the right CTA button such as “Sign up now” or “Call now” to make your customers take the right action.
  4. Add address and contact information, as this will help search engines index your brand for local search results.
  5. Add videos or slideshows to your cover page, making it more engaging and attractive.
  6. Respond to customer reviews and comments to stay engaged and interactive.
  7. Use Facebook Messenger to respond to customer inquiries as quick as you can.
  8. Pin those posts that you don’t want your visitors to miss, and you want to expose. Those pinned posts appear under the cover photo, which is a great place to grab attention.
  9. Keep the Business Page tabs in order and choose the right templates that suit your brand goals.
  10. Choose a unique username, making it more convenient for customers to find your Facebook Page without much search.
  11. Make use of Facebook Page Insights to know how your fans are interacting with your page and the content you post.

Facebook Lead Generation Tips You Can’t Ignore

Benefit from Facebook ad campaigns to meet your diverse marketing objectives. Referred to as promoted forms, you can use these ads to capture details from customers and make it easy for them to sign up for your services.

  1. Choose the right Facebook ad formats – beautiful images, informative videos, Messenger conversations or slideshows that best fits your business goal.
  2. Consider adding a good introduction content in the Intro section of the Instant Form, as everyone who views the form can see this when the ad is approved.
  3. Make sure your form is easy to fill out for visitors without anyone’s help.
  4. Create custom questions that will help you know your visitor’s interest, preferred products and more.
  5. Offer incentives such as product samples, coupon codes or the opportunity to attend an event for those willing to share their personal information.

Jargon Buster

Tagging – a clickable name or username that lets you identify someone in a post or tweet and notifies them that you have referred to them in your post.
Facebook wall – a section in your profile which is like a public writing space, so others can leave you messages. The messages on your wall can be seen by visitors to your profile.

Article updated on 11/06/2021

Updated statistics and sections on
• How to create Facebook Business Page
• Key tips to optimise your Facebook Business page
• Facebook Lead Generation Tips You Can’t Ignore

Article updated by Silpa Danish

Monisha | Blog author | Computing Australia

Monisha M M

Monisha is the Creative Coordinator at The Computing Australia Group. She has a wide range of responsibilities including content development & integration, search engine optimisation and custom report creation. Monisha ensures that your content is fully Google optimised while still looking great. Monisha effortlessly juggles her time liaising between the various teams – content, SEO, design, marketing and social media.

Monisha | Blog author | Computing Australia

Monisha M M

Monisha is the Creative Coordinator at The Computing Australia Group. She has a wide range of responsibilities including content development & integration, search engine optimisation and custom report creation. Monisha ensures that your content is fully Google optimised while still looking great. Monisha effortlessly juggles her time liaising between the various teams – content, SEO, design, marketing and social media.