
How to Write an Engaging Facebook Post

Facebook is one of the most widely used social media channels. It helps to increase your organic reach and engagement with the audience. Likes, comments and shares help your brand reach a wider audience. So how to write an engaging Facebook post? Is there a fixed way to create content that will successfully drive more traffic towards your brand? Like all marketing tactics, Facebook, too, isn’t one-size-fits-all. You need to analyse what works best for your business. However, after observing the platform for years, our Social Media boffins have come up with a few tips that work well in most cases. Here’s how to write an engaging Facebook post.

1. Keep it short

Nobody wants to read a big wall of text on Facebook. Try to keep your post length between 80-160 characters. Like all readers, Facebook users also tend to judge a piece of writing as readable or unreadable based on the first sentence. So, your aim should be to capture the attention from the very beginning and keep them hooked. So, how do you do that?

2. Ask questions

Start your posts with straightforward questions. For example, if your post is about off-page SEO, start with a “Does your business have a strong off-page SEO foundation?” The most straightforward words are almost always enough to get the attention of the target audience. Instead of open-ended questions, opt for to-the-point yes or no questions.

3. Beware of the language

Experts say reading online takes 25% more time than reading printed works. This is the reason why users tend to be more attracted to short and simple posts. Avoid using long sentences with an extensive vocabulary. Write punchy texts that can capitivate a reader in three seconds. Use humour when it is fit. Try to make your posts as brand-oriented as possible. Share the journey of your brand. Remember always to end your posts on a positive note.

4. CTA

CTA - Computing Australia Group

Your post should tell the reader what exactly they should do. And, how can you do that? Using concise and attractive call-to-action, of course. But make sure you don’t overdo it. A little direction is always good, but too much can be annoying.

5. Make your offer clear

You can’t entice someone to take any action unless you have something valuable for them. A Facebook post should aim to generate more traffic. So, give your readers a reason to follow the links in your post and visit your website. Let them have a glimpse of the content on your website.

6. Attach a link

To attach or not to attach- that is the question distressing most social media marketers. Some marketers advise against using links as they are seen as advertisements and have limited reach. But again, half the reason behind social media accounts is to make more people visit your website and what better way to do it than via links? Don’t hesitate to link to website content on your Facebook posts. But do try not to make all your posts a link to another page.

7. Spread positivity

Readers tend to engage and share positive posts rather than ones with negative tones. While people might understand your negative sentiments, they wouldn’t want to be perceived as unfavourable and thus, hesitate to share such posts. So, try to post positive content, inspirational quotes, and funny one-liners. Make your page something that will put a smile on your reader’s face.

8. Use images

A picture is worth a thousand words. Adding an image in your post will attract more readers. Usually, people like to share posts with photos more than long text posts. Use a relevant, high-quality image. Images of 1200 x 628 or 1000 x 1000 size are preferable. Try to use horizontal pictures as they look better on mobile phones. Follow the one image per post rule as much as you can. If you must, use two pictures but try not to post a long chain of images.

Jargon Buster

Social media channels: Interactive platforms that allow the creation and sharing of information and ideas via virtual communities.

Social media marketer: Social media marketers create strategies for companies to engage with existing customers and reach new ones while promoting their brand.