
Niche or Multi-Topic Website – What Is Best for Your Business?

When starting a new website for your business, one of the first questions you have would be, “Should the website be a niche or multi-topic website?” The short answer is it depends on the nature of your business and business goals. Both types of websites will work as long as you have a solid site structure and a good content marketing strategy. But it is a fact that the niche(s) you choose to build your website around will impact how well your website performs. Our experts from Perth explain the pros and cons of single niche websites vs multi-topic websites to help you make the best decision for your business. But first…

What is a niche for a blog?

At its core, “niche” can be thought of as a word synonymous with “topic”. It is a specific, targeted field that you understand and provide service for. Each niche can have its focus on geography, industry, population demographic and even lifestyle. The niche of your website will depend on the nature of your business. When a website contains content for multiple sets of audiences, it’s called a multi-niche or multi-topic website. The essential point to remember in both cases is that you need to be clear about your niche or topic or category. It is needed to help you create relevant content.

Let’s try to understand this more with the help of an example. Let’s say you are an eCommerce business for men’s clothing and accessories. Your website content, including blogs, will centre around men’s clothing. So, that can be called your niche. It is interesting to note that some people may describe it as a multi-niche website because ‘hey, T-Shirts is a niche, you can’t club them with Ties!’

Single-niche vs Multi-topic Websites

Let’s make a comparison between the two and learn about their pros and cons.

Single niche websites

The pros of single-niche websites include:

The cons of single-topic websites are:

Multi-topic websites

Niche Or Multi Topic Website-Computing Australia GHroup

The pros of multi-topic websites include

The cons of multi-niche websites are

Should your business have a niche website or a multi-topic website?

There is no one solution that fits all – it depends on your business needs and goals. If your website is primarily a blog or a news website, a multi-niche website will help keep your audience engaged. If your business relates to a specific industry, then a single-niche website will be more helpful in building authority. It doesn’t have to be ‘either/or’ scenario. Let’s say you have a multi-business company. You can create multiple single-niche websites catering to each business vertical. You will need to take that decision based on your business’s legal and functional structure and the target audience.

Both multi-niche and single-niche websites have benefits and drawbacks. Multi-niche websites help you create content quickly and gives you a more expansive social reach. On the other hand, single-niche websites have less complicated SEO and help you build a solid audience. If you feel neither option suit your business, you also have the option to run multiple single-topic websites. Do you want to discuss further about niche websites vs multi-topic websites before making a decision? Contact us or email us at sales@computingaustralia.group, and our team at Perth will be happy to help you!

Jargon Buster

SEO – Search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of techniques and technologies that allow you to improve web pages’ ranking in organic search results.

Content research – Content research is the process of understanding a topic and presenting it to withstand competition in the existing content landscape.