
Seven Easy Strategies to Create Mobile-first Websites

Is your website designed for mobile-first? Switching over to mobile-first needs technical skill and some time. So, if your site is not already mobile-first optimised, now is the time to get rolling. Our web development experts from Perth help you understand what mobile-first strategies are.

Mobile-first Strategies

1. Keep your website simple

Keep only the website elements that are critical and discard the rest. What features are essential for your site to be functional on a mobile? Here are some pointers to simplify your website:

2. Clear and Concise Content

Long posts can generate more leads than short posts. But reading long posts on a mobile can get tiresome. Use accordions or collapsible sections for longer content. This way, the reader can just expand the content if they want to find out more, rather than scrolling through the entire page.

Another approach is to have a long authoritative blog post. There can be smaller posts explaining each section. To be mobile-first, your content requires to be concise and clear.

Google prefers webpages with larger font sizes, minimal text, and clean images. You can get right to the point with your content and use bullet points, numbered lists etc. This way, your content will be scannable and can convey a large amount of information quickly.

3. Speed

Site speed is one of the key factors for user experience, and now site speed is a Google ranking factor, too. A good site speed is a necessity if you want to survive on mobile.

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Tips to improve speed on your mobile-first website

4. Mobile-first calls to action (CTA)

If your calls to action aren’t designed with mobile in mind, they are missing out on leads and sales. So, it’s essential to ensure your CTA is designed mobile-first, too. Test links and use mobile-friendly CTA such as SMS text messaging and live chat.

5. Social media posts

Social media is an outstanding platform to start with your mobile-first strategy. Most users use smartphones to access social media. Create attractive social media campaigns to gain potential conversions.

So, choose a social channel that your audience usually engages on. Your users like when brands interact and share content on social media. You can perform better when you understand your followers and better you’ll be able to create great campaigns.

6. Mobile-friendly communication

Mobile devices have drastically remodelled the way we communicate with each other and with brands. To be a mobile-first website, you must make sure that the contact methods on your website meet the communication preferences of today’s consumers. You can achieve this by using specific tools.
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Consider incorporating a live chat or a chatbot to your website to give an incredible mobile experience. You can also use help desk software to manage your customer communications across channels and devices. This allows you to track previous conversations, prioritise incoming requests, and even help automate the process.

7. Graphic design

Graphic design tools can help you create remarkable, trustworthy, and easy to use websites. Websites focused on graphic design outperformed non-design-focused websites.

Some of the significant graphic design pointers are:

These are seven easy mobile-first strategies that you can follow to transform your website to a mobile-first one. However, even after you implement these mobile-first strategies, you still need to test your website regularly on multiple platforms. Click here to know more about mobile-first websites.

Need a mobile-first website that’s easy to use, and that will be loved by Google and users? Contact us now or email at sales@computingaustralia.group. Our web development experts in Perth can build you the perfect website for your business. Our helpdesk will be available 24/7 to answer your mobile-first related queries.

Jargon Buster

Calls to action (CTA) – refers to the use of words or phrases that are incorporated into sales scripts, or web pages, which compel a visitor to act immediately or encourage an immediate sale.

CDN – A Content Delivery Network is a group of geographically distributed servers that work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content.