Computer Tips

The Ultimate Guide to Password Managers | Computing Australia

The Ultimate Guide to Password Managers

Do you share passwords with your friends? Friends are at the apex of the sharing chain. You can share anything with them. From your clothes to the deepest secrets. One thing it isn’t cool to share though are your passwords, yet this is what people do every day by storing passwords in unsecured text files, in emails, or sharing them with friends via chat, email, text etc.

Why is my screen upside down?-5 Minute HelpDesk | Computing Australia

5 Minute HelpDesk – Why is my screen upside down?

This is a common query we get asked on the help desk. Imagine you are working at 2 am in the morning, trying to get your monthly report out and your screen is upside down…! Maybe you turned your screen by accidentally hitting some keys. Or a colleague played a prank on you. Or perhaps you need to rotate your screen to view it vertically or from another angle.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 10

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 10

Time is one of the biggest limitations for small business owners. There just isn’t enough to go around! Computerized processes and automation save time, but there are small changes to how you work with computers that can save you that extra time. Did you know that using keyboard shortcuts rather than the mouse can save you about 8 workdays per year?