
The Ultimate Guide to Password Managers

Do you share passwords with your friends? Friends are at the apex of the sharing chain. You can share anything with them. From your clothes to the deepest secrets. One thing it isn’t cool to share though are your passwords, yet this is what people do every day by storing passwords in unsecured text files, in emails, or sharing them with friends via chat, email, text etc. Even if you believe you are safe, anything could go wrong. Time to take cybersecurity seriously.

Unless you are a supercomputer, you have just too many passwords to store in your brain. Did you know that the average person has around 200 passwords? The average person also falls into the trap of using the same password for every site – increasing the risk for hacking. Here is an ultimate guide to password managers to help you with passwords.

What is a password manager?

It is an app used to store passwords in an encrypted form and manage them. It requires the user to create a master password to access it.

By storing all the passwords in one place, it makes it very easy to access them, and the headache of remembering all the passwords can be forgotten. This is not only user friendly but also adds another level of security to your passwords. There are good paid and free ones out there. The best thing about free password managers is that if you don’t like the one you are using you can skip on to the next one – at no cost. So, which is the best one? Here is an ultimate guide to password managers to make your task easier.

Password managers -Computing Australia Group

Free password managers – our top five picks

LastPass Password Manager

Paid Password Managers – Our top six picks

It is highly secure, has excellent encryption and has a whole set of powerful features.

Now you can forget to remember passwords! You can choose the most suitable password manager from our ultimate guide of free and paid password managers.

Jargon Buster

VPN – Virtual Private Network. Creates a private network across a public network to provide online privacy and anonymity for sharing of data.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) – Access is granted only after two steps of authentication. You will need to provide two pieces of evidence to establish your identity.

Article originally published on 30/07/2020 Article updated by Monisha on 21/12/2020 – Updated the content. Included new free and paid password managers.