
5 Minute HelpDesk – How to Back Up and Migrate Bookmarks to a Different Web browser?

In a previous helpdesk blog, we saw how to change the default search engine of various browsers. When you change your browser, you would also want to migrate your bookmarks. Luckily, you can easily transfer by following some simple steps. Our IT experts from Perth help you on how to back up and migrate your bookmarks to various browsers.

Google Chrome

To export bookmarks in Chrome to an HTML file


You can see on the ” Save As” dialogue box that Chrome has automatically given the HTML file a name containing the current date. You can change the file name if you want.

You have successfully exported your bookmarks. Now you can import it into another web browser. To import bookmarks to Chrome. Ensure no other web browsers are open
You have successfully imported bookmarks. The imported files will appear in Google Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox

To export bookmarks in Firefox to an HTML file
A library window will be displayed (Short cut to open the library window: Ctrl+Shift+O )

From the Export Bookmarks File window, choose the desired location to save the file, named bookmarks.html by default. You can change the name if you want.

The Export Bookmarks File window will close and later close the Library window. You have successfully exported your bookmarks from Firefox. Now you can import it into another web browser. To import bookmarks from an HTML file

Internet Explorer

To export bookmarks in Internet Explorer
To import the bookmarks
You have successfully imported the bookmarks to Internet explorer.

Microsoft Edge

To exports Bookmarks in Microsoft Edge
To import the bookmarks

You have successfully imported the bookmarks.

These are the steps to back up and migrate your bookmarks in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Edge. Need help with another browser? Contact us or email at helpdesk@computingaustralia.group. We are 24/7 ready to support you.

Jargon Buster

Web Browser – An application used to access and view information on the internet: E.g. Google Chrome, Firefox etc.

Bookmarks – A saved shortcut which directs your browser to a specific webpage. Bookmarks store the title, URL, and favicon of the saved webpages.