Ecommerce Funnels – How to Use them Effectively to Boost Sales

How to use e-commerce funnels to boost sales - The CAG

Ecommerce Funnels – How to Use
them Effectively to Boost Sales

Ecommerce Funnels – How to Use them Effectively to Boost Sales

Ecommerce Funnels – How to Use them Effectively to Boost Sales

SALES! The success – determining factor of every e-commerce business. For the same reason, converting a visitor to a lead and then to a paying customer is the holy quest every SEO and marketing strategist is after. This might seem like a challenging task. But thanks to e-commerce funnels or conversion funnels, one of the brilliant strategies for boosting e-commerce sales can make it possible. Our SEO strategy team in Perth help you understand how to use e-commerce funnels to boost sales. 

What are e-commerce funnels?

An e-commerce funnel or conversion funnel is a way to understand the route a customer takes from being aware of your brand to the point of purchase. Depending on the type of business and service you provide, the funnel might be different. However, the fundamentals remain the same.

In general, there are four different stages in an e-commerce conversion funnel. Briefly, they are:

Awareness: Knowledge about your brand name and what you offer, say from a social media post or ad.

Interest: Engaging a potential customer through content that will sustain their interest

Desire: Creating a want for your product through ad strategies

Action: Customers’ buy’ the product.

These are the four stages of an e-commerce funnel. The awareness stage is where all the traffic enters the funnel, but as we know, this doesn’t mean they all will be interested in your product. And as the shape suggests, the number also reduces stage after stage. This means by the end of the funnel, only a small percentage of the leads will make the purchase.

Now let’s look in detail at these four stages and how to optimise them.

E-commerce funnel stages and how to optimise them

How to optimise - The CAG

1. Awareness

The awareness stage is where the potential customer stumbles upon your brand. Presenting it as the solution to a problem or a goal makes sure that they can connect to it. Provide free content like blog posts that explain who you are, what you offer, and your niche. This way, the visitors will understand the benefits of your brand.

2. Interest

3. Desire

After creating awareness and generating interest, it is time to create an urge in the leads for the product you have to sell. This desire to buy your product is what will lead a potential customer to your product pages and eventually into the cart. Employ specific strategies like CTAs to push the customer on to the next stage.

4. Action

This stage is where the customer clicks the “Buy Now” button. However, this is also where the funnel tapers the most. To make the most of the numbers here, one has to create all the optimisations to prevent the customer from abandoning the purchase. Optimising your checkout page, adding secure payment portals, avoiding surprise shipping and other extra charges etc., can ensure that.

Best practices for building an optimised funnel

There is much to be done to build an optimised conversion funnel. Here’s a quick overview of how to do it.

  • Identifying buyer journey using tools like Google Analytics
  • Shaping the funnel stages and conversion triggers according to the type of business and action of your customers.
  • Identifying the zone where a visitor converts to a lead and generating effective lead nurturing tactics.

After building an effective conversion funnel, it’s important to track Key Performance Indicators (KPI) like traffic, conversion rate, bounce rate, sales etc. Also, analyse the results using tools like user behaviour reports, recordings, and A/B test to choose the right optimisation. These will help you keep track of your leads’ changing behaviour and the efficiency of your funnel.

Jargon Buster

Bounce rate – the number of people who move away from a webpage after viewing a page.
Traffic – the number of visitors a website has.
A/B test – a user experience research methodology where two options are tested
KPI – Key Performance Indicators – a set of quantifiable measurements that demonstrates how efficiently a business is achieving its business targets.

Peter Machalski | Blog author | Computing Australia

Peter Machalski

Peter is the Systems Operations Manager at The Computing Australia Group, he is responsible for managing and maintaining uptime for thousands of client servers. It is a busy portfolio with a lot of responsibility because clients depend on their systems being accessible practically 24 hours a day. It is a far cry from when he started in the industry when most people just worked Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 and we had plenty of time to maintain systems after hours. He also works across other portfolios at The CAG, including projects and service delivery.

Peter Machalski | Blog author | Computing Australia


Peter is the Systems Operations Manager at The Computing Australia Group, he is responsible for managing and maintaining uptime for thousands of client servers. It is a busy portfolio with a lot of responsibility because clients depend on their systems being accessible practically 24 hours a day. It is a far cry from when he started in the industry when most people just worked Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 and we had plenty of time to maintain systems after hours. He also works across other portfolios at The CAG, including projects and service delivery.