
How to Improve Your E-commerce Checkout Page

Did you know that 7 out of 10 customers abandon purchases after reaching the checkout page? Many businesses face this dooming wall of high abandonment rates despite having a beautiful website and solid organic traffic. You can earn high conversion rates by improving your checkout page and making the checkout process easy for your customers. How can you do this? Here’s a guide created by our experts from Perth on how you can improve an e-commerce checkout page.

What is checkout in e-commerce?

Checkout refers to the point in a customer’s journey where they purchase an item by clicking on the “Buy” button. It is easy to see why a checkout page is the most crucial part of an e-commerce website- sales happen on the page.

The typical checkout process has the following steps:

What are the most common reasons for cart abandonment?

 Why do customers abandon their carts? The following are some of the most common reasons for high checkout abandonment or cart abandonment rates-

How to improve your e-commerce checkout page

There is no one-size-fits-all shortcut to close more sales for your brand on your checkout page. But the below steps will help optimise your checkout page, which will eventually lead to more conversions and sales.

1. Create an attractive and functional design

An enticing checkout page will tempt the user into completing the purchase. Here are a few tips to make your checkout pages and the process more attractive.

2. Ensure a smooth and fast checkout process

How to Improve Your E-commerce Checkout Page -Computing Australia Group

 Fewer clicks are associated with higher conversion rates, so try to limit the checkout process to a minimum number of steps. You can use the following methods to ensure a seamless checkout flow.

3. Summarise details of the shopping carts

Adding a summary of the order on the checkout page will give you a positive response. More often than not, customers will forget what exactly was in their shopping cart. It is especially true if they had added the items a while ago or added a lot of items. To help the customers with this issue, show a summary of their cart so customers can check what they’re ordering.

4. Optimise mobile experience

Most customers use their mobile devices to shop online. The mobile phone has already overtaken PCs as the preferred device for Internet usage. Optimise your checkout page for mobile users. Layout shifts and stiff designs are major culprits for loss of sales.

5. Offer multiple options for payment and shipping

Giving the users the option to decide how to pay and when they want to receive their order is a very powerful and effective tactic.

6. Simple works best

At the end of the day, simplicity is what you should strive for with a checkout page.
The checkout page is a vital component of any e-commerce business. A complicated checkout process can spell trouble for online sales. Using the above-mentioned steps, you’ll be able to improve your checkout page and avoid having a high abandonment rate. Are you looking for a highly functional and optimised e-commerce checkout page to facilitate higher conversion rates? Codesquad has your back. Conact us or email us at sales@computingaustralia.group to create an effective and attractive checkout page.

Jargon Buster

Conversions – The process through which a website visitor changes to a customer is called a conversion.

Shopping carts – Online shopping cart is a piece of software that has the same purpose as a shopping trolley at a physical store – store or record the buyer has picked up that can be reviewed before making the payment.

Layout shifts – When an element changes its position or size and affects the content around it, it’s said to cause a layout shift.